'The love of the earth, of nature and being able to transform these grapes into champagne bubbles while listening to the pleasure of people tasting our champagnes is my inspiration' - Caroline Collard
A beautiful quote by Caroline sharing her inspiration for her own career.
Join us for a small preview in to the world of the amazing Caroline Collard, one of the Founders of Champagne Collard-Picard. Find out more about Caroline, how she ended up in the wine world, her favourite champagne and some fun facts to get to know her a little better!
Champagne Collard-Picard sits beautifully at number 15 on the Avenue de Champagne in Epernay. Founded in 1996 and combining the knowledge of two Champagne families. Four amazing generations have been working to improve the production of exceptional champagne year after year with an absolute focus on quality.
Read on and be inspired by the incredible Caroline in this edition of Meet the Maison!
Caroline Collard, Champagne Collard-Picard
Luxury Sparkle: Tell us a little bit about yourself in one or two sentences
Fr: j'aime la vie, la nature et la diversité des rencontres. Passionée et instinctive, j'avance avec mon rythme..
En: I love life, nature and the diversity of encounters. Passionate and instinctive, I move forward with my own rhythm.
Luxury Sparkle: If you had to choose one champagne or wine from your collection, which would it be and why?
Fr: ESSENTIEL, un champagne au plus près de la nature sans chaptalisation et zero dosage.
En: ESSENTIEL, a champagne as close as possible to nature without chaptalization and zero dosage.
Luxury Sparkle: What inspired you to have a wonderful career in the industry?
Fr: L' amour de la terre, de la nature et pouvoir transformer ces raisins en bulles de champagne en écoutant le plaisir des gens à la dégustation de nos champagnes.
En: The love of the earth, of nature and being able to transform these grapes into champagne bubbles while listening to the pleasure of people tasting our champagnes.
Luxury Sparkle: Can people visit the Maison to try your beautiful wine and to learn more about your brand?
Fr: oui nous sommes ouverts tous les jours pour déguster nos champagnes à notre boutique d'Epernay et nous organisons aussi des visites VIP à notre cave de Villers sous Chatillon.
En: Yes we are open every day to taste our champagnes at our boutique in Epernay and we also organize VIP visits to our cellar in Villers sous Chatillon.
Luxury Sparkle: Do you have a favourite quote that you like to live by?
Luxury Sparkle: Do you have any exciting plans for 2024? If so, please share with us!
Fr: Nous changeons le packaging de nos étiquettes, une petite pointe de tristesse après 27 ans de création mais l'avenir nous fait prendre un coté plus environnemental et avec des étiquettes plus explicatives sur notre savoir faire et nos différences.
En: We are changing the packaging of our labels, a small touch of sadness after 27 years of creation but the future makes us take a more environmental side and with labels that are more explanatory of our know-how and our differences.
Luxury Sparkle: As an experienced woman in business what advice do you have for other women?
Fr: regardez, écoutez chaque chose qui vous entoure et inspirez vous de tout ceux-ci pour avancer...
En: Look, listen to everything around you and take inspiration from all of these to move forward...
Luxury Sparkle: What inspired you to partner with us?
Fr: l'élégance, la beauté et la finition des choses qu'il crée.
En: The elegance, beauty and finish of the things created.
Luxury Sparkle: Now for some fun, this or that?
Tea or coffee: Thé
Sunrise or sunset: Lever du soleil (Sunrise)
Summer or Winter: Été (Summer)
Cheese or Chocolate: Fromage (Cheese)
Beach or Mountains: Plage (Beach)
Clear glass or green glass candles: Bougies en verre transparent (Clear glass)
Learn more about Caroline and Champagne Collard-Picard at https://www.champagnecollardpicard.fr/