'My advice to other women is perseverance and, above all, believing in your ideas' - Marion Roger
A beautiful quote by Marion, sharing her advice for other women in business.
Join us for a small preview in to the world of the amazing Marion Roger, the leading lady of Champagne Cristian Senez. Find out more about Marion, how she ended up in the wine world, her favourite champagne and some fun facts to get to know her a little better!
Champagne Cristian Senez is located in the Côte des Bar, which stands out for the quality of its Pinots Noirs and the rarity of its Pinots Blancs.
La Côte des Bar is located in the southern part of the Appellation d'Origine area between Bar-sur-Seine and Bar-sur-Aube. This renowned vineyard provides a quarter of Champagne production to date.
Read on and be inspired by Marion in this edition of Meet the Maison!
Luxury Sparkle: Tell us a little bit about yourself in one or two sentences:
Fr: Je suis Marion Roger, passionné par l’univers du vin et de la gastronomie. J’ai acquis des compétences dans le Champagne grâce à mes nombreuses études viticole, ma famille et mes séjours à l’étranger.
En: I am Marion Roger, passionate about the world of wine and gastronomy. I acquired skills in Champagne thanks to my numerous wine studies, my family and my stays abroad.
Luxury Sparkle: If you had to choose one champagne or wine from your collection, which would it be and why?
Fr: La Cuvée des Filles, créée par mon père pour ses filles, est d'une délicatesse et d'une gourmandise incomparables. Composée à parts égales de Chardonnay et de Pinot Blanc, elle se distingue par sa finesse de bulles remarquable.
En: La Cuvée des Filles, created by my father for his daughters, is incomparably delicate and delicious. Composed of equal parts Chardonnay and Pinot Blanc, it is distinguished by its remarkable fineness of bubbles.
Luxury Sparkle: What inspired you to have a wonderful career in the industry?
Fr: Grâce à ma famille, le travail et la rigueur ainsi que le Champagne ont toujours été présents dans mon quotidien. Cela a donc été une évidence.
En: Thanks to my family, work and rigor as well as Champagne have always been present in my daily life. So it was obvious.
Luxury Sparkle: Can people visit the Maison to try your beautiful wine and to learn more about your brand?
Fr: Oui, bien sûr, nous sommes ouverts du lundi au vendredi et le samedi sur rendez-vous. Nous sommes toujours ravis de vous accueillir autour de notre grande table en chêne, accompagnée d'un verre de champagne, évidemment !
En: Yes, of course, we are open Monday to Friday and Saturday by appointment. We are always delighted to welcome you around our large oak table, accompanied by a glass of champagne, of course!
Luxury Sparkle: Do you have a favourite quote that you like to live by?
Fr: Il n'y a pas de bon vin sans un bon copain !
En: There is no good wine without a good friend!
Luxury Sparkle: Do you have any exciting plans for 2024? If so, please share with us!
Fr: En 2024, notre priorité sera la diversification de la distribution de nos champagnes. Actuellement, nous bénéficions d'une base clientèle de plus de 20 000 personnes actives en France. Notre objectif est désormais de nous développer à l'étranger tout en continuant à fidéliser notre clientèle française.
En: In 2024, our priority will be the diversification of the distribution of our champagnes. Currently, we benefit from a customer base of more than 20,000 active people in France. Our objective is now to develop abroad while continuing to build the loyalty of our French customers.
Luxury Sparkle: As an experienced woman in business what advice do you have for other women?
Fr: La persévérance et, surtout, croire en ses idées.
En: Perseverance and, above all, believing in your ideas.
Luxury Sparkle: What inspired you to partner with us?
Fr: Tout simplement parce que Luxury Sparkle est dirigé par des personnes formidables !
En: Quite simply because Luxury Sparkle is run by great people!
Luxury Sparkle: Now for some fun, this or that?
Tea or coffee: Thé (tea)
Sunrise or sunset: Lever du soleil (Sunrise)
Summer or Winter: Été (Summer)
Cheese or Chocolate: Chocolat (Chocolate)
Beach or Mountains: Montagnes (Mountains)
Clear glass or green glass candles: Bougies en verre vert (Green glass)
Learn more about Marion and Champagne Cristian Senez at https://www.champagne-senez.com/