'Follow your instinct as much as possible to make the right choices. Do not be discouraged despite the difficulties, which once overcome can give way to new opportunities.' - Anne-Fleur Tassin
Join us as we get to know the incredibly welcoming, open-minded and motivated Anne-Fleur Tassin.
Since 1793, seven generations of the Tassin family were winemakers. By cultivating the local soil full of character that is the Côte Des Bar, our story has become gradually written into local heritage. Today, the eighth generation, as passionate as ever, has an authentic heritage and expertise and Anne-Fleur is leading the way with her family.
Read on and feel the excitement in this edition of Meet the Maison!
Luxury Sparkle: Please introduce yourself to us in one or two sentences!
Fr: Issue d'une famille de vignerons depuis de nombreuses génération, j'ai rejoint l'entreprise familiale il y 7 ans. D'abord en charge du commerce, de la communication et de la gestion, je me consacre désormais au cœur du métier vini-viticole. Géographe de formation, je suis passionnée par les voyages, les paysages et la nature.
En: Coming from a family of winegrowers for many generations, I joined the family business 7 years ago. First in charge of commerce, communication and management, I now devote myself to the heart of the wine business. A geographer by training, I am passionate about travel, landscapes and nature.
Luxury Sparkle: If you had to choose one champagne or wine from your collection, which would it be and why?
Fr: Notre cuvée Brut car elle représente parfaitement notre terroir, avec l'intensité du Pinot Noir qui est roi dans la Côte des Bars, et la finesse du Chardonnay qui apporte sa délicatesse. C'est une cuvée qui a un caractère affirmé avec un assemblage classique mais dont on ne se lasse pas et qui s'assemble avec tous type de met.
En: Our Brut cuvée because it perfectly represents our terroir, with the intensity of Pinot Noir which is king in the Côte des Bars, and the finesse of Chardonnay which brings its delicacy. It is a cuvée which has an assertive character with a classic blend but which we never tire of and which goes well with all types of food.
Luxury Sparkle: What inspired you to have a wonderful career in the industry?
Fr: J'ai d'abord eu plusieurs expériences en tant que salariée dans des Parcs naturels régionaux et en tant que conseillère auprès des entreprises artisanales et commerciales. J'ai eu ensuite envie de revenir plus près de mes racines, de travailler dans un environnement naturel privilégié, à la campagne et entouré de ma famille. Etre entrepreneur et indépendant est loin d'être facile mais c'est un objectif qu'il faut suivre avec passion et énergie.
En: I first had several experiences as an employee in regional natural parks and as an advisor to craft and commercial businesses. I then wanted to come back closer to my roots, to work in a privileged natural environment, in the countryside and surrounded by my family. Being an entrepreneur and independent is far from easy but it is a goal that must be followed with passion and energy.
Luxury Sparkle: Can people visit the Maison to try your beautiful wine and to learn more about your brand?
Fr: Oui, le domaine est ouvert aux visiteurs, sur rendez vous. Des dégustations ainsi que des visites de cave sont proposées aux horaires d'ouverture, principalement en semaine.
En: Yes, the area is open to visitors, by appointment. Tastings as well as cellar tours are offered during opening hours, mainly during the week.
Luxury Sparkle: As an experienced woman in business what advice do you have for other women?
Fr: Suivre au maximum son instinct pour faire les bons choix. Et ne pas se décourager malgré les difficultés, qui une fois surmontées peuvent laisser place à de nouvelles opportunités.
En: Follow your instinct as much as possible to make the right choices. And not to be discouraged despite the difficulties, which once overcome can give way to new opportunities.
Luxury Sparkle: What inspired you to partner with Luxury Sparkle?
Fr: La rencontre avec ses merveilleux fondateurs, Kirri et Chris dont le projet m'a plu. Nous développions notamment à l'époque des visites de caves illuminées à la bougie et leur proposition était donc en total cohérence avec cela. La qualité des produits nous a également plu, notamment les délicats parfums qui nous sont désormais devenus familier à la maison aussi bien qu'en cave.
En: The meeting with its wonderful founders, Kirri and Chris whose project I liked. At the time, we were particularly developing candle-lit cellar tours and their proposal was therefore completely consistent with this. We also liked the quality of the products, particularly the delicate scents which have now become familiar to us both at home and in the cellar.
Now for some fun! This or that?
Coffee or tea: Tea
Sunrise or sunset: Sunset
Summer or Winter: Winter
Chocolate or cheese: Chocolate
Beach or mountains: Beach
Clear glass or green glass candles: Clear glass candles
Get to know about Champagne Tassin Successeurs at https://champagnes-tassin.fr/